On Yom Kippur
On Yom Kippur:
On Yom Kippur, women over 12 years old and men over 13, must fast.
In addition, the biblical commandment to "afflict" ourselves during Yom Kippur includes abstention from the following: eating & drinking, bathing, wearing of leather shoes, marital relations and personal "anointing" (use of body lotions etc.). If unable to fast for health reasons, consult your Rabbi.
Click here for more on fasting.
Clothing and Jewelry
Many communities have a custom of wearing white clothes on Yom Kippur, as on
this day we are compared to angels.
It is also customary not to wear gold jewelry, as gold is reminiscent of the sin
of the Golden Calf, and on the Day of Judgment, we do not want to
"remind" the Prosecutor of our past sins.
Click here for more on the custom of wearing white.
We usher Yom Kippur in with the Kol Nidrei evening service on Yom
Kippur night (September 26, 2001), followed by Evening services.
Morning services on Yom Kippur day (September 27, 2001), include the Torah readings, the Yizkor memorial service, the Musaf service and the Priestly blessing.
Afternoon services include the Torah reading and the Haftorah reading of Jonah.
And finally the closing Neilah prayers followed by the Shofar blast and Evening services.
Click here for Services at a Glance
End of Fast
After evening services, perform the Havdalah ceremony, then break fast.
Click here to find out what time the fast ends in your city.
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