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Jewish Messianic Hoshen Pendant necklace High Priest Breastplate 12 tribes 2"
Jewish Messianic Hoshen Pendant necklace High Priest Breastplate 12 tribes 2"
Jewish Messianic Hoshen Pendant necklace High Priest Breastplate 12 tribes 2"
Item#: 15J4
Availability: Usually ships the next business day
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Product Description
Pendant Size - 2" H. x 1.3/4" (5 x 4cm) | Stainless Steel Chain 20"

A Novelty - Biblical Design

An eye-catcher original piece of jewelry!

The High Priest ~ Aaron Chest Piece ~ (Ephod)

Add a Meaning to your Jewelry Offering

Most Original and unique. An eye-catcher original piece of jewelry! Hand made in Israel.

This artistically designed necklace is made of high grade pewter. It comes with a 20" Stainless Steel Chain and it is attractively gift boxed

On Front Engraved in Hebrew all 12 Stones Name On the back the 12 Tribes names surrounding the Blessing: Bless you when you come in Bless you when you go

Wow! Here is some Necklace An eye-catcher original piece of jewelry! Every Chestpiece is One-of-a- Kind!

The High Priest Chestpiece (The Ephod) also known as the Stones of the Choshen. The twelve stones representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

This artistically designed necklace is made of high grade pewter and attractively gift boxed. Great original gift for any occasion.

Exodus 28;15 "And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: Then, with the most careful workmanship make a chestpiece. Use the same materials as you did for the Ephod: fine linen cloth embroidered with gold thread and blue, purple, and scarlet yarn. You shall set in it settings of stones, four rows of stones: a row of odem, pitdah, and bareket shall be the first row; and the second row a nofech, a sappir, and an yahalom; and the third row a lehshem, an shebu, and an achlamah; and the fourth row a tarshish, an shoham, and a yishpah: All these stones will be set in gold. The stones shall be according to the names of the children of Israel twelve. Each stone will represent one of the tribes of Israel, the name of that tribe will be engraved on it as though it were a seal."